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  • 甲醛对人体的主要危害有哪些?
  • 本站编辑:杭州勤谦环保科技有限公司发布日期:2017-11-10 15:26 浏览次数:




Most of the hazards of formaldehyde stimulation are caused by the stimulation of the skin and mucous membranes, and the direct contact of the skin can cause allergic dermatitis, pigmentation and necrosis. Moreover, as a combination of protein and substance, when the concentration of formaldehyde in the body to a certain extent, it will cause edema, eye irritation, headache, induced bronchial asthma, etc..


Carcinogenic formaldehyde is a genotoxic substance that can cause genetic mutations in humans. Brain tumors, leukemia and various cancers are induced by long-term exposure to maximum probabilities!


Toxicity of formaldehyde toxicity is quite strong, when the concentration reached 0.06-0.07mg/m 3;, it will cause harm to children. 30mg/m 3; the concentration is able to directly cause death! When conjunctival congestion, redness and swelling, dyspnea, headache, hoarseness and so on. Such symptoms, do not have luck, for themselves, but also for the family, please timely medical examination, prevention.


Main sources of formaldehyde


Know the harm of formaldehyde, you have to know where it came from, that is, the main source of formaldehyde.


First, all kinds of materials used in interior decoration, such as plywood, blockboard, MDF and particleboard and other artificial boards, can release formaldehyde.


Two, wall decoration materials containing formaldehyde and possible to emit decorative materials, such as stickers Qiangbu, wallpaper, paint, paint, wall panels and stone etc..


Three, display and daily necessities are likely to formaldehyde indoor display and daily necessities, such as furniture, carpet and foam, recommend the use of solid wood flooring and solid wood flooring.


Some materials, organic materials combustion emit formaldehyde, such as cigarettes and some organic materials.


Five, the product that separate glue glue products, because the main source of formaldehyde is it. In the painting, the need to use a lot of glue to paint adhesion on the wall, the wall does not lead to formaldehyde gas in every hour and moment, the release period of up to 2-3 years!

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