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  • 空气检测主要有哪些种类?
  • 本站编辑:杭州勤谦环保科技有限公司发布日期:2018-08-22 14:54 浏览次数:


The types of air detection are mainly divided into:
1, decoration pollution, office air detection
2. The standard stipulates the allowable emission concentration of cooking fume and the removal efficiency of cooking fume purification facilities.
3、工厂排放工业废气检测工业废气包括有机废气和无机废气。有机废气主要包括各种烃类、醇类、醛类、酸类、酮类和胺类等无机废气主要包括硫氧化物、氮氧化物、碳氧化物、卤素及其化合物等。工业废气根据其排风量 、温度、浓度及本身化学物理性质其治理方法各不相同。
3, industrial waste gas testing industrial waste gas includes organic waste gas and inorganic waste gas. Organic waste gases mainly include various hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, acids, ketones and amines and other inorganic waste gases, including sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon oxides, halogens and their compounds. Industrial waste gas treatment methods are different according to its exhaust air volume, temperature, concentration and its chemical and physical properties.
4. Boiler atmospheric and industrial kiln detection boiler atmospheric pollutants include boiler flue gas dust, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides and flue gas blackness, pollutant emissions mainly from coal-fired, oil-fired and gas-fired boiler emissions, including bagasse, sawdust, rice husk, bark and other fuel boiler emissions, its standards can be referred to this book. The allowable emission concentration of air pollutants in coal-fired boilers is implemented in GB.
5、作业场所有害物质检测职业接触限值(Occupational Exposure Limit, OEL)是职业性有害因素的接触限制量值,指劳动者在职业活动过程中长期反复接触对机体不引起急性或慢性有害健康影响的容许接触水平。化学因素的职业接触限值可分为时间加权平均容许浓度、允许浓度和短时间接触允许浓度三类。
5. Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) is the exposure limit value of occupational hazards, which refers to the permissible exposure level of workers in the process of occupational activities, repeated exposure to the body does not cause acute or chronic adverse health effects. Occupational exposure limits of chemical factors can be divided into three categories: time-weighted mean allowable concentration, allowable concentration and short-term allowable contact concentration.

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